Free Craps Game
US Players are always welcome to play at Sun Palace Casino.
Craps - The casino game of Craps is very easy to learn, but at first glance it looks highly complicated and could put the novice player off trying it,
but the best way to play it is to start with a bet on the Pass Line.
All that happens next is that you or the person throwing the dice need to roll a 7 or 11 on the first roll and you win. Should a 2, 3 or 12 and you lose.
If any other number is rolled, a 'point' is then established and you or the player rolling the dice must re-roll that point before rolling a 7 to win.
Go on give it a try you may get to like it!
Real Money Mode - You can play Craps for real at:
- Sun Palace Casino - The perfect venue for all you high rollers
- Las Vegas USA One of the most popular online casinos for US Players.
- Slots Plus If you like your slots then you will love Slots Plus.
Proposition Bets - The Proposition Bets are very popular and these are simply win or lose on the next throw.
payouts and information of the various bets are below.
Craps 2: when placing this wager you are betting that a 2 will be thrown on the next roll. Pays 30:1.
Craps 3: when placing this wager you are betting that a 3 will be thrown on the next roll. Pays 15:1.
Seven: when placing this wager you are betting that a 7 will be thrown on the next roll. Pays 4:1.
11: when placing this wager you are betting that an 11 will be thrown on the next roll. Pays 15:1
Craps 12: when placing this wager you are betting that a 12 will be thrown on the next roll. Pays 30:1
Any Craps: A bet that the next roll will be a 2, 3, or 12. Pays 7:1
Field Bet: This is a one time bet that the next roll will be a 2,3,4,9,10,11, or 12. The 3,4,9,10, and 11 pay even money, the 2 pays 2:1 and 12 pays 3:1.
Craps - Hints, Tips and Guidance
How to Play Craps - A guide to playing Craps.
Basic Craps Strategy - Best strategy required when playing.
Craps Tips - A selection of top tips for playing.
Craps Game Layout - The layout of a Craps game.
Craps Odds - Facts and figures relating to Craps.
Play Craps Online - Best places to play Craps online.